Belize Team

Belize Team

Monday, February 25, 2013

2 Days to go!!!

This past Sunday we had our commissioning service and it was one to remember. Our team was surrounded with the prayer and support of our congregation, prayer partners and home team. Everyone in the group was moved by the love and unity that poured over us as we were launched into our role as a missionaries. Thank you so much for everyone who came out!

As we are preparing to go, the next two days will include vast amounts of running around, last minute inoculations, mass amounts of packing and spiritual preparation. Certainly for some of us there are mixed feelings. Excitement is an obvious feeling that I see in the others around me. But still there are more subtle hints of nervousness and confidence. These two feelings are particularly interesting and I believe that God can use both for the good of the group. Those of us walking in a feeling of confidence are humbled by the prospect of leadership and preparation while those of us feeling a bit more nervous are inspired and challenged by the confidence of others. The beautiful thing is that God has brought us together in love and unity. And its by that love that the people in the air ports, in Belize and here in Canada will know that we are sons of daughters of the living God!
"Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples" John 13:35 NLT
Everyone pray for good weather, safe travels, and for God's Kingdom to come!

Monday, February 11, 2013

17 days!!!!!

     In just 17 days our group will be in transit between Saint John, NB and Portland, ME. We will be sharing excitement with each other all the while a little crammed into one of the few vehicles we are driving. The build up on that day will likely be stifled by the long drive and early wake up call (4am) for our flight, but I doubt that any of us will lose that spark for long; I know I wont! I mean how could we with the prospect of a warm tropical climate ripe with opportunities to do some work for the kingdom!
     It occurred to me as I was listening to Mike (our pastor/spiritual coordinator) this past Sunday that these 17 days aren't meant to be simply endured. These 17 days aren't to be viewed as the unfortunate amount of time that we need to endure before we can finally embark on our journey. These 17 days should be viewed as a time of spiritual/physical preparation. Just as Daniel was intentional about his time preparing for the unknown by daily prayer and fasting, we too should be savoring the time we are given to prepare for this journey. William Nicholson speaks best to the concept of prayer when he said:
"I pray because I can't help myself. I pray because I'm helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time- waking and sleeping. It doesn't change God- it changes me.” William Nicholson, Shadowlands. 
     Just yesterday, a large portion of our mission team and our prayer partners circled up and held hands in a time of prayer. We prayed for covering, we prayed for victory, we prayed for each other and we prayed for the people we will come into contact with. I think when we are in the moment we often feel as if we are doing something to change God. I believe in those times God is simply trying to change us. But, looking back on all of the preparation the team has shared in I have noticed a lot of change in myself toward each person on the team and those supporting the team. I see brothers & sisters where I once saw friends & acquaintances. I see mothers & fathers where I once saw only Christians. And I see myself being able to sacrifice everything for those around me. Its in the times of prayer/fellowship like this past Sunday where its clear God has changed me.