Belize Team

Belize Team

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday Update!

Hi Everyone,
Still having internet problems, but I'm writing this in faith that it will get posted :)  Today has been yet another full day. We woke and had breakfast at 7:30am, then we were off to the school for the last day of painting.  Our team met in the school chapel before we started the day, so that we could do a morning devotion and pray together.  It was a perfect start to the day!  We still had a large chunk of painting to get finished, and it was uncertain whether we would have enough paint to finish the  job.  Around 11am, we still had a lot of the last building to finish, and we were running out of paint.  Thankfully, the principal was able to do a paint run, as our team ate lunch and played with the students. Some of our team also spent the morning building a puppet theatre for the school puppet team. Since this was our last day at the school, we wanted to spend extra time playing with the students. Some of our team brought face paints, which were a huge hit with the students :)  After lunch, we painted like crazy to finish up the final building before our departure deadline.  Thankfully, we had just enough paint to finish the job.  We had a touching moment with the teachers and principals. Plus, there were many sad good-byes as we said our final farewell's to the students at the school. 

At the mission house, some of us showered, and others simply used a garden hose to remove all of the paint from their skin.  We had 30 minutes to shower, change and load into the van for the final VBS at the learning centre.  Our final VBS session focused on the resurrection. It was a huge blessing to see the children worshiping and interacting with the puppet presentation.  It was also a blessing for the leadership team to see how much our teens have engaged in ministry with these children.  Time and time again our teens would reach out to the children with love.  It was awesome to see!

After the VBS, we came back to the mission house for a supper of BBQ'd chicken and tortillas.  Then we each had some personal quiet time with God after supper. Tomorrow is our last full day in Belize, and it was important for all of us to take some time and debrief the week, and  unpack the day.  In the evening we had a games night and then a worship and debrief time together as a team.  This has been yet another amazing day!

We are thankful to God for:

1. The opportunity to finish the painting job that we started.
2. That no one was hurt during the painting.
3. That Tracey's foot is much stronger.
4. For a fantastic final day at the VBS.

We ask for your prayer support for:
1. Our snorkeling trip tomorrow.
2. For our group, who are leaving new friends behind in Belize
3. For continued safety for the team.
4. For God to guide our hearts as we go through the final stages of our week.

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